Our Team

Our Team


Papa Yambi - Storyteller & Bookmobile Driver

Mama Nina - Storyteller & Yoga Stories Leader
Mama Nina - Storyteller & Yoga Stories Leader
Tonton Dan - Storyteller & Social Media Leader
Tonton Dan - Storyteller & Social Media Leader
Jingle Joe - Storyteller and Administrator
Jingle Joe - Storyteller and Administrator
Coach Edgar - Storyteller & Reading Riders Leader
Coach Edgar - Storyteller & Reading Riders Leader
Tantine Lili - Storyteller & ECD Programs Leader
Tantine Lili - Storyteller & ECD Programs Leader
Mammy - Assistant
Mammy - Assistant
Diane - Assistant
Diane - Assistant
Patrick Mahoney  & Shannon Porthault -  Co Founders
Patrick Mahoney & Shannon Porthault - Co Founders